Join Our Community of Badass Women of Color+ & Non-Binary Femme Leaders

The Third Space Collective is a holistic community & leadership development community for BIPOC women and non-binary femmes. Our goal is to support each to shift into the most empowered version of ourselves.

The Case For Building A “Third Space”


Only 1 in 16 executive leaders are women of color. Moreover, women in leadership roles usually encounter many challenges and less support, leading to burnout, workplace trauma, or higher turnover.


Since there are very few spaces for women of color to show up freely as themselves and get the support they need, we created our own “third space.” The “Third Space” is a term coined by American sociologist Ray Oldenburg to describe places outside the home (the first place) and the workplace (the second place) where people could connect with their community.

Offerings for Women of Color and Non-Binary Femme Leaders

Monthly Networking

We host a monthly virtual networking space to help leaders expand their networks in an authentic way. Our next session is Wednesday, September 4th, at 3 PM PST/ 6 PM EST. Reserve your spot here.

Together, we will:

  • Build our networks with new connections

  • Center our embodied wellbeing 

  • Connect to our creative inner selves 

Monthly Masterclasses

We partner with incredible leaders to elevate their expertise and share practical & inspired masterclasses with our community. Our Fall Masterclass Series will kickoff in September. We will add the dates/times for our fall series by mid-August. Check back soon!

If you are interested in partnering with us and would like to co-host a masterclass, please reach out to us at

Third Space Fellowship

Join our signature six week leadership development fellowship tailored to mid to executive-leader women of color and non-binary femmes committed to growing their leadership and vision in community. We offer this fellowship throughout the year, and we also partner with organizations to offer this fellowship for employees.

More details below about joining our upcoming Third Space Fellowship cohort are below! Join the waitlist here.


The Third Space Fellowship is a transformative four-month program designed for mid to senior-level women of color and non-binary leaders. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide a dedicated, psychologically safe environment for BIPOC women and non-binary femmes to center their dreams, elevate their leadership skills, deepen their impact, and build authentic relationships.

Join us for our Fall 2024 cohort waitlist here.

Your Facilitators

Rupa’s Expertise: Networking, Strengths-Based Leadership, Creativity

Rupa Dev Rihan (she/her/hers) is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and a certified integrated coach with fifteen years of experience creating inclusive learning communities that help people lead powerfully from their strengths. She is a facilitator, strategist, writer, and career coach who has coached hundreds of leaders on how to elevate their unique strengths and expertise. Her 100+ career coaching clients have landed c-suite level roles, negotiated competitive compensation, and received backpay. She is a community builder at heart, and is known for building powerful, supportive, and vibrants communities of values-driven leaders.

She is a board member of edwell, an alumna of Teach For America, and a graduate of both the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Relay Graduate School of Education.

“Rupa is an incredible facilitator who quickly builds community and thoughtfully designs with each participant in mind. I found her methods both unique and holistic. The activities were easy to integrate into existing routines and to share with colleagues, and had an immediate impact on my leadership and self care.”

- Darcel Sanders, CEO

Angelina’s Expertise: Executive Leadership, Managing Teams, Strategic Planning

Angelina Molina (she/her/hers) is a senior managing director who oversees all alumni strategy and leadership development at Teach For America across California. Angelina is an equity-centered LatinX leader with deep expertise in developing leaders and managing complex, systemic organizational challenges. She is known for being highly-skilled in strategic thinking, change management, capacity-building, staff development, and leading cross-functional teams to strategically implement systemic initiatives proven to advance racial equity and improve organizational outcomes.

Angelina has an M.A in Education Policy from Teachers College at Columbia University and a B.A in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.

“Angelina is an exceptional leader.  She consistently goes above and beyond to ensure the success of our team. Her strategic guidance has been transformative, pushing us to think innovatively and beyond the status quo. I attribute much of our group's success to Angelina's exceptional leadership. Working alongside her and under the guide of her leadership, has been an inspiring and enriching experience. I continue to learn so much from her.” 

-Kelsey Gilliland, Alumni Strategy Director





What is Integrated Leadership?

Integrated leadership is a holistic approach that combines somatic awareness, emotional intelligence, strategic vision, and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Integrated leadership explores the interconnectedness of these elements to create a cohesive leadership style that aligns personal values with organizational goals, fostering collaboration and sustainable success.

This program is for you if…

  • You are a mid-career to executive level woman or non-binary femme AND you want to…

    • Grow your executive presence & professional network

    • Hone in on your integrated leadership style

    • Prioritize your wellbeing in a nourishing community space


  • Overwhelmed by the demands of leadership roles

  • Isolated in your experience as women of color and/or non-binary femme

  • Uncertain about how to navigate inequities and sticky situations at work

  • Lacking tangible support for career growth and personal development

  • Struggling to find a safe space to be vulnerable about the real stuff

  • Underutilizing strengths and trying to “do it all” at work

  • Feeling burnout and stress without knowing where to start to make shifts


  • Empowered in your executive presence and committed to your wellbeing

  • Connected to a supportive network of champions who want you to succeed

  • Confident in your ability to manage up and navigate systems effectively

  • Equipped with tools and skills for inspired personal and professional growth

  • Affirmed in your unique identities and authentic leadership style

  • Belief in your strengths and gifts as your unique superpowers

  • Resilient with recommitment to self-care, self-knowing, and community care

You will

  • Step more boldly into your own integrated leadership style as an executive leader of color

  • Establish an embodied wellness practice that leans on ancient wisdom to incorporate self-care & community care

  • Grow a circle of champions and build a powerful network

“The fellowship felt safe, so it felt comfortable being vulnerable. It was special space for women to build community and learn from each other about the different topics presented. It allowed to me reflect deeply on who I am and who I want to grow into.”

- Ariana Valencia, New Teacher Coach

What You’ll Get…


    Virtual, bimonthly group coaching spaces to help you navigate sticky challenges


    Virtual, bimonthly, rotating group of guest experts PLUS scripts, tools and tips


    In person one day kickoff retreat, 10-5 PM & optional drinks + dinner to follow, in-person in the East Bay Area, CA


    Weekly space to get additional support and get sh*t done together


    Accountability squads via group chat, paired up by goals, experience level, and location


    Private WhatsApp group for the cohort, free admission to our monthly virtual networking space, curated conneations within our network of 200+ WOC and non-binary leaders



    Monthly executive coaching package from your coach of choice (Angelina Molina or Rupa Dev Rihan (4 sessions, 60 mins each)


    High-impact strengths-based leadership assessment, report, and customized 90 coaching session and strengths-based development plan


    Book a session with our collaborator who is a personal stylist and get 1:1 customized support to help you discover your own personal style to slay professional spaces


  • SESSION 1: OPENING RETREAT - Saturday, 10 AM-4 PM, optional drinks & dinner to follow the retreat, IN PERSON

  • SESSION 2: GROUP COACHING - Wednesday, 6-8 PM PST

  • SESSION 3: MASTERCLASS - Wednesday, 12-1PM PST (guest speaker)


  • SESSION 5: MASTERCLASS - 12-1 PM PST (guest speaker)


  • OFFICE HOURS & CO -WORKING - Thursdays, 4-5 PM PST


  • Optional dinner and drinks are not included in the program fee.

  • All masterclasses and group coaching sessions will be held on zoom. Masterclasses will be recorded and shared with the group.

  • Digital lessons and digital workbook included in program fee.

“Angelina is a special leader with the ability to support, motivate, plan, and deliver on complex projects while prioritizing a vision. She is an incredible coach, and she consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership, strategic planning and execution, and an incredible ability to inspire, uplift, and elevate those around her.”

— Tracee Cotto, Principal


We ran a leadership development fellowship in 2024 for women of color and non-binary femmes partnered & funded by Teach For America - Bay Area. 100% of all 14 participants strongly agreed with the following statements:

  • The facilitator was invested in my development.

  • The facilitator created brave/safe space for me where I can be my authentic self.

  • This fellowship was a good use of my time.

  • I made meaningful professional connections through this cohort.

  • I felt like I belonged in this community.

  • We are also proud to have a net promoter score of 98 for the question: “How likely is it that you would recommend this fellowship to a friend or colleague?” A strong net promoter score is considered 80 or higher. A 98 is considered a breakthrough/exceptional NPS score.

“Rupa created a safe space for me to explore who and what I want in life as I elevate into this new phase of life. High altitudes can be scary for me if I’ve never been there before. With her space I was able to explore those feelings independently, unapologetically, and without having to express it if I didn’t want to.”
Jamila Beck-Hill, Coach and Instructional Leader


  • We welcome leaders who want to join this program if you don’t live in the Bay Area. We also that you attend the opening retreat in-person if you would like to join this program. We would love to host the opening retreat in other places in 2025. Please note that the program fee does not include any accommodation or travel costs, though we are more than happy to help you strategize on how to make it cost effective to join us.

  • We believe there is a lot to learn across roles, industries, and experiences, so we invite fellows from diverse backgrounds. That being said, our program is designed for mid-level to executive level leaders with at least 10 years of work experience in mission-driven organizations (non-profit & for profit). We have found some trends within fellows who join this program: people who want to level up at their current role, people who want to find a new role, and people who want to launch their own business either part-time or full-time.

  • Yes, we offer a monthly payment plan for those fellows who would like to split the program fee. We can work with you to make this payment plan work for your financial situation, though all payments must be received by the close of the program.

  • We invite you to reach out to us and share your specific circumstances as each person’s leadership journey is unique. Typically, fellows are a good fit for this program with at least 8-10 years of professional experience and a commitment to lead and influence other (whether at an organization or in their own business, etc.). That being said, we had incredible fellows in our last cohort with less than 10 years of experience and they were incredible.

  • Yes!! We believe your organization should cover your seat as a way to demonstrate their commitment to investing in women of coler and non-binary femmes. We have drafted a letter that you can customize to request sponsorship. We can support you with how to approach your manager or team leader to pitch this development program to them.

  • The time commitment is:

    + Approximately 3-5 hours of video content and tools/reflection exercises over eight weeks
    + Weekly 75 minutes group session, either a masterclass or group coaching (recordings available for masterclasses)
    + Optional bimonthly co-working and office hours
    + Optional accountability squads

“Angelina is an experienced leader, with deep knowledge of instructional best practices and educational leadership. She has strong skills in creating systems and brings an equity lens to all her work.”
- Molly Moloney, Director of Data and Policy

Join us.

We can’t wait to grow this supportive #squad with you.